If you run into a situation that you need to allocate a specific object very frequently. Obviously the traditional way will cause the memory fragment because of frequent allocation on heap, and you will get more risk for failure of allocation after a certain running period. so this situation the memory pool definately is your best choice.

I got this situation on my open source project. A lot of client will connect and disconnect the server occasionally. I need to allocate a chunk of heap memory for each connecting, and recycle the memeory when disconnecting. so I came up with a very simple and effective memory pool to address this problem.Here is the code .

 template <typename T > class MemoryPool {
        public  :
            MemoryPool(int nSize) throw (std::bad_alloc&) : mnSize(nSize){
                std::unique_ptr<T[]> lp (new T[mnSize]);
                mArrayBuffer = std::move(lp);
                mnFreeSize = mnSize;
                for(int i = 0; i < mnSize ; i++)
            T* alloc()  {
                    return nullptr;
                //check a empty slot in the bitset
                for(int i = 0 ; i < mnSize ; i++)
                    if(mBitSet[i] == false)
                        mBitSet[i] = true;
                        return &mArrayBuffer[i]; 
                return nullptr;
            void free(T* np) {
                    return ;
                if(np != nullptr && 
                        ( np >= &mArrayBuffer[0] && np <= &mArrayBuffer[mnSize-1]) ){
                    int offset = (np- &mArrayBuffer[0]) % sizeof(T);
                    mBitSet[offset] = false;
            int GetFreeSize() {return mnFreeSize;}
            const int mnSize;
            int mnFreeSize;
            std::vector<bool> mBitSet;
            std::unique_ptr<T[]> mArrayBuffer;

By the way , in the first place I wanted to use the BitSet in place of Vector. But Bitset in C++ 11 can not support dynamically size changing. And sound like the compiler will optimize the vector as a bitset. so I think the vector is the right answer for this class.